Faking out Temperature Reading on AWS EC2
It's getting hot in here
Need to test software that needs to access temperature readings or test on AWS?
Check this out! Thanks Steven Toth!
git clone git@github.com:steveturner/dummy-hwmon-driver.git
cd dummy-hwmon-driver
make load
Bask in temperature readings.
Configuring a 2018 MBP 15" i9
How to not burn your thighs and other bits of config
Check out:
Go get the update for the i9 throttling issue (https://appleinsider.com/articles/18/07/24/apple-targets-thermal-performance-issues-on-2018-macbook-pros-with-free-software-update )
- configure inverse scroll
- configure tap to click
- make . . .
Netty Pure Java Serial Port
Typically when interacting with serial ports from Java you have three options:
All are actually mature solutions but SerialIO is a commercial product and JSS and RxTx either require the native libraries to be intalled/compiled for the host platform. Personally, I've had . . .
Migrating from Tumblr to Octopress to Ghost to Silvrback
I need something simple... so I can spend time writing code instead of dealing with hosting.
Tumblr Archives
Setting up a 2013 rMBP
I recently acquired a 15" 2013 rMBP for development purposes. This is an ongoing post detailing setup once the system arrives.
Unboxing and Initial Config
- Poweron, follow prompts for user/iCloud/keyboard config.
- Opted not to migrate from existing system
- Enable firewall in system preferences . . .
Old Play2 Multi Project Tutorial With Swagger and Metrics
I've grown very fond of lieningen for managing dependencies and builds with Java and Clojure projects.
However, I'm currently working with some projects that rely on SBT for their build system.. namely the Play! Framework.
This guide is intended to show how to create a simple Play! Framework application . . .
Building a Vagrant Box for Parallels
Generally I just use VirtualBox as my provider when using Vagrant. However, I recently bumped into a scenario where I needed to run a Parallels 9 VM (Windows) and other Ubuntu machines for which I already had Puppet provisioners. Unfortunately, Parallels and Virtualbox do not play nicely together either causing a lockup of the . . .