Setting up a 2013 rMBP
I recently acquired a 15" 2013 rMBP for development purposes. This is an ongoing post detailing setup once the system arrives.
Unboxing and Initial Config
- Poweron, follow prompts for user/iCloud/keyboard config.
- Opted not to migrate from existing system
- Enable firewall in system preferences
Disable startup noise:This is no longer working... looking for solutions.sudo nvram SystemAudioVolume=%80
in built in terminal- Set hostname to famous physicist, or whatever in
System Preferences > Sharing > Computer Name
- Download & install Chrome, login and sync extensions etc...
- Install Google Hangouts
- Check for updates under
Apple Icon > Software Updates
... restart. - Remove nearly everything from Dock except Chrome, Trash.
System Preferences > Dock
Hide/Make smaller- Download and install Dropbox.. need this to sync .dotfiles for Vim, emacs, etc.
- Download and install iterm2
- Download and install Crashplan (backups to cloud and Synology NAS)
- Download JDK7 from Oracle
- Install Retina Display Manager (from Reddit)
- Install OhMyZsh and Customize iterm2
- Install 1Password and point to keys
- Install gfxCardStatus (switch GPU's)
- Install XCode
- Install Skitch and Evernote (notes, screenshots)
- Install SizeUp (keyboard shortcuts to tile windows)
- Install VLC
- Install Adium and
cp -rf ~/Library/Application support/Adium 2.0/ $YOURNEWSYSTEMATTHESAMEPATH
- Install Unarchiver
- Install Hyperdock (show previews of windows in the dock)
- Install Caffeine (keep your system from turning off the display)
- Install Flash system... cause some things still use it argh.
- Install Rdio
- Install Burn
- Install
CyberDuckTransmit - Install Bootchamp (helps with bootcamp booting)
- Disable sounds when changing volume
System Preferences > Sound
{} - Install flux (nicer working at night)
- Install menumeters (Show system status in menubar)
- Install Thursby PKard for PKI's
- Add lock icon to menubar
- Install Balsamiq for mockups
- Install DaisyDisk for Disk management
- Install Colloquy for IRC
- Enable Full Disk Encryption
- Install HandyPrint to share local printers as AirPrint
- Install Silverlight (for Netflix...)
- Change Chrome/Safari to Download to /tmp
Many apps/files can be migrated by mounting the new systems root drive and copying over the old files
Code Related Things
- Install Github for Mac
brew install git mercurial python
- Install TortoiseHg
- Install SublimeText2, enter license key and point to ~/Dropbox/dotfiles
- restore ssh keys
cp .ssh/id_rsa* /Network/path/to/username/.ssh/
- restore dotfiles from ~/Dropbox/dotfiles `ln -sf ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.[a-z]* .
Install Vundle. Make sure ~/.vim/bundle is ignored by Dropbox
git clone "$HOME/.vim/bundle/vundle"
- `brew unlink python
brew install macvim --override-system-vim
brew install llvm --with-clang --with-asan
- Run --clang-completer
Export IntelliJ settings as a jar and import into new IntelliJ 13
brew install tmux
easy_install hg-git
Had to do this to get hg to resolve extensions properly. Other extensions live in ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/hg_extensionsInstall Drakon for design. Will also need ActiveTCL.
brew install findutils
brew install leiningen
for clojure development~/dotfiles/.osx/
Get mine hereInstall Mathematica 9
Install Win7 via Bootcamp and Ninite to install software, mount as VM via Parallels Desktop 9
Install VirtualBox + Extensions
Install Vagrant
Install Node
brew install node
Install XQuartz (X11) and Wireshark
Additional Sources:
- Making a bootable Mavericks Drive
- Boxen
- Guide to Setting up OSX
- Problems with YCM, MVim, Python
Old Used Software List:
- homebrew
- adium
- colloquy
- evernote
- iterm2
- dropbox
- crashplan
- skitch
- Office365??
- tortoisehg
- mvim with custom spf13
- burn
- chrome/chrome canary
- synology cloud station
- rdio
- arq??
- IntelliJ 12/13
- SublimeText2
- SequelPro
- 1Password
- Wireshark
- Screenhero
- Mathematica
- Parallels wrapping Bootstrap Windows
- CyberDuck
- Thursby PKCard
- Zotero
- Scrivener?
- Webstorm
- Gideros
- Screenhero
- ZeroBraneStudio
- Omnigraffle
- Onyx
- Texturepacker
- stencyl
- kindle?
- ArgoUML
- pomodoro
brew list
astyle gradle maven rpl
autoconf growlnotify mercurial sbt
automake hg-flow minicom scala
boost htop mobile-shell sdl
clojure hub mongodb sip
cmake icu4c nasm socat
colordiff iftop nspr speex
couchdb ilmbase openexr spidermonkey
cscope iperf openvpn sqlite
emacs jpeg-turbo optipng task
erlang lame opus the_silver_searcher
faac leiningen pcre theora
faad2 libao pianobar tmux
fcrackzip libevent pkg-config valgrind
ffmpeg libogg protobuf vim
fuse4x libtool pv wget
fuse4x-kext libusb-freenect pyqt x264
gdbm libvorbis python xvid
gettext libvpx qscintilla2 xz
git lzo qt yasm
git-flow macvim readline zsh
giter8 mad rename
- SQLYog
- Photoshop CS4 (or maybe upgrading to subscription)